Blog & Advice

Local News & Advice, From a Local Expert

Is It Better To Offer A Price Reduction, Or Offer Closing Co…

Is It Better To Offer A Price Reduction, Or Offer Closing Co…

In some real estate markets, sellers get plenty of offers at or above their asking price. Other time…

Eight strategies to help you beat all cash offers

Eight strategies to help you beat all cash offers

The current real estate market is incredibly competitive, and all-cash offers are becoming more and…

Things you can negotiate when buying a home (besides money)

Things you can negotiate when buying a home (besides money)

Buying a home is not a simple matter. Both the buyer and seller must agree to a number of different…

What does it mean to rent-to-own?

What does it mean to rent-to-own?

Rent-to-own is a popular transaction agreement for large sales. When it comes to homes, though, many…

Is it always a good idea to buy a home in cash?

Is it always a good idea to buy a home in cash?

If you’re in the financial position to pay cash for a house, it probably seems like a tempting…

What Do Inspectors Look For When They Do A Home Inspection?

What Do Inspectors Look For When They Do A Home Inspection?

There are a number of steps involved in the process of buying or selling a home, and one of the most…

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